COVID 19 Vaccine Program


The Palmerston GP Super Clinic is pleased to be able to continue offering COVID 19 Vaccinations to our community.

As of 29 February 2024 ATAGI Recommendations are:

  • All adults aged ≥ 75 years should receive a dose of the COVID 19 vaccine every 6 months.

  • The following groups are recommended to receive a dose of COVID -19 vaccine every 12 months and can consider a dose every six months based on risk-benefit assessment:

  • The following groups can consider a COVID -19 vaccine every 12 months based on a risk-benefit assessment:

    Our Practice Stocks the Pfizer XBB.1.5 vaccine

For Further information please click here:


Like to make an appointment for your COVID 19 Vaccine?

If you’re not sure which vaccine is best for you, please speak to your usual General Practitioner before making your appointment.

To make an appointment, scroll down to make an appointment on-line or call 08 8919 8919.